Character of God Resources
Want to learn the truth about the character of God? Resources listed on this page provide much information on character-of-God related subjects. Note that there are a variety of people/sources listed from various denominational backgrounds and beliefs. Items are included here based on representation of a better view of God’s character. There may be some resources listed here that include some points neither you nor I can totally agree with. Study for yourself.
Note that much more can be accessed from the websites of individual contributors listed on this site.
Quick links to sections on this page:
Bible studies
Bible versions
Books, audio books, e-books
Videos, social media
Character of God Resources: Bible Studies
There is a series of 18 topical Bible studies that are consistent with the character of God written by Bill Chambers and titled Sure Word Bible Studies. Those studies are available in PDF-form at that link.
Note that these studies cover a number of basic Bible topics but are not specifically about the topic of the character of God. Such a set is much needed. If anyone knows of one, please let me know.
Character of God Resources: Bible Versions
The Remedy New Testament by Timothy R. Jennings
“The Remedy is an expanded, paraphrase of the New Testament in which interpretation is filtered through the lens of God’s design law of love – the template on which life is built. This paraphrase in intentional in its focus to re-orient the Christian mind to God’s character of love and His mission to heal and restore humankind, as taught by the early church.” (From the author’s preface)
The author admits a bias in his work but it is in favor of a God of love as promoted on this website.
The Remedy can also be accessed on line at: where Dr. Jennings paraphrases of the books of Genesis and Psalms are also included.
It can be useful at times to look at a verse in a variety of versions. Here are three sources each of which has dozens of different versions accessible online:
Of course, the surest way to get the correct meaning of a verse is to let the Bible interpret itself by how words are used in context. See The Character of God and the Gospel Glossary.
Many of these books can be made available in bulk very reasonably for sharing – contact me.
Character of God Resources: Books, Audio Books and E-books
Acts of Our Gentle God
by Jay A. Schulberg. The glorious dawning of a new day on the character of God. Acts of Our Gentle God presents compelling evidence from the Bible to exonerate God of the charges that he is uncaring, judgmental, controlling, unfair, bad-tempered, or violent. The book demonstrates that the entire Bible, correctly understood, is in harmony with the definitive statement “God is love.” (1 John 4:8)
This book is a very good introduction to the concept of a non-violent God.
Audio book (3 hr, 35 min)
E-book (1.0 mb pdf; 124 p)
Download e-book in other languages:
Available in additional languages here.
Hard Copy (English only) click here for more information on obtaining this FREE book.
Agape A Revelation of the Father’s Character of Love
by Adrian Ebens. Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” How could this be possible? Could it be true that God is truly merciful, gracious and kind as revealed in the life of Jesus? Can this dilemma really be resolved while remaining faithful to the words of Scripture? This book is a key to unlocking this enigma.
This book deals with some challenging concepts such as:
- Why Command Stoning Sinners?
- The Law as a Mirror
- The Everlasting Covenant and the Ministration of Death
Hard copies available in English, Bulgarian, French, German, Spanish and more to come.
Audio book listen on line by chapter
E-book (2.1 mb pdf; 290 p)
Download e-book in other languages:
Available in additional languages here.
Hard Copy click here for more information on obtaining this book – FREE in Canada and the U.S.
Biblical Forgiveness: Are There Two Types?
by Ray Foucher. This study shows, by looking at the original words, that forgiveness is a two-part transaction. God forgives every sin, the question is whether or not we receive that forgiveness. There are actually different Greek words for forgiveness granted and forgiveness received. One is always unconditional (God is ever-merciful) while the other is always conditional (we chose to accept the freely-offered forgiveness).
Hard Copy (English only) click here for information on obtaining this book – FREE (form at bottom of page.)
Contact me for hard copies in other languages.
E-book versions:
English (Britain, Canada, United States etc., 710 kb pdf; 44 p., Revised 2020 edition)
Cebuano (Philippines)
Cestina (Czech Republic)
Chin (Myanmar)
Chinese (China)
Ekegusii (Kenya)
German (Germany)
Krio (Krio)
Nepali (Nepal)
Polish (Poland)
Russian (Russia and former Soviet Republics)
Spanish (Spain and Central and South American countries)
Swahili (Kenya and neighboring countries)
Twi (Ghana)
Wikang Tagalog (Philippines)
2013 edition languages: (Note that these are translations of the 2013 first edition. If reading them, please bear in mind that I have a better understanding now of the character of God – forgiveness is more about healing the relationship than dealing with sin in a legal sense.)
Luo (Kenya and neighboring Ethiopia, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda)
Telugu (India)
The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
by Ray Foucher This study examines the topic of the cleansing of the sanctuary as mentioned in Daniel 8:14: “then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” That has long been regarded as a process of cleansing heaven’s record books of the record of our sins – a judicial process in the final judgment. Here, a careful evaluation is made of what the Bible says about the sanctuary and exploration is made of the meaning of important words to come to a better understanding of the cleansing process.
The cleansing of your sanctuary involves the “renewing of your mind” (Rom 12:2) especially in regard to your understanding of and attitude towards God so that you may become a fit vessel or sanctuary for the indwelling of the Spirit of God. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Col 1:27) and reflecting the character of God in your life is the goal.
Download e-book (2.2 mb; 171 pages) August 2020
The Cross Was Hell
by Loren James relates the sufferings of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary to hellfire and the second death. Jesus experienced the full wrath of God against sin so that we don’t have to!
This book includes a view into our heavenly Father’s heart; the war between good and evil; the relation between suffering and freedom; the essence of sin and hell fire; a guide to Christian unity and Bible interpretation, all from the point of view of the cross.
Ebook (975 kb pdf; 168 p)
Daniel 8:14 and the Three-stage Vindication of God – Third Edition
by Ray Foucher.
A different way of looking at the cleansing of the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 based on how the Bible itself uses the Hebrew words behind this verse. “Cleansed” (Hebrew “tsadaq”), in context, always refers to someone being vindicated of charges against them. “Sanctuary” (Hebrew “qodesh”) can refer to a person. Thus: “… then shall God be vindicated.”
E-book (842 kb pdf; 48 p)
Did God Kill Jesus Instead of Killing Us?
by Kevin Mullins.
The Penal Substitutionary Theory is the most popular way of explaining the gospel in Christian circles. It teaches that “God is not willing or able to simply forgive sin without first requiring a satisfaction for it” (Wikipedia).
To solve this problem, a popular Christian website called explains: “Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross takes the place of the punishment we ought to suffer for our sins. As a result, God’s justice is satisfied, and those who accept Christ can be forgiven and reconciled to God.”
And Jon Bloom of writes: “Jesus was primarily the object of his Father’s wrath — the most just, righteous, and terrible wrath there is.”
But is this really the gospel of the kingdom Jesus came to demonstrate? Did Jesus really come to satisfy God’s justice and wrath to save us from being killed by our heavenly Father? Have we been duped by Satan and others to frame the murder of Jesus on God in order to suppress our own wrath and enmity (hostility) towards God, free ourselves from our own guilty conscience, and to satisfy our own sense of justice?
Ebook (1.5 mb pdf; 80 p) Request a FREE hard copy here.
Ray’s note: my friend Kevin wrote this very good book that will make you think deeply about your concept of the gospel.
Father of Love
by Kevin Mullins. This book provides a picture of a loving God that really helps in “removing the veil of fear and condemnation” that many people associate with God. Here is an excerpt from the first page:
“Although we will not be able to answer every question you may have about the character of God, this whole book is my testimony to the undeniable fact that ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8) and that by this love I have experienced a deep change in my life which fuels me to become a better father, friend, ex-husband, brother, employee, and son.”
Ebook (5.9 mb pdf; 120 p)
Identity Wars
by Adrian Ebens. Our lives are bombarded with a constant drone of messages telling us that success only comes from proving that we have what it takes, that we are only valuable when we achieve and perform. Discover true freedom, true value and worth. It will change your life. 110 pages
Identity Wars effectively explains that our standing with God is based not on our performance but on our relationship to Him as His sons and daughters.
Click here to download a PDF file or an audio book or to purchase a hard copy. Also available in 30+ other languages.
In the Heart of the Earth: the Heart of God Revealed
by Ray Foucher.
Here is perhaps the ultimate secret code. Dark forces have worked for centuries and are still trying to keep these secrets hidden. This book uses the Bible itself to decipher some key phrases and discover their deepest meaning. Uncovered are gems of truth that you may not read of anywhere else. You will learn some amazing answers to questions regarding Jesus’ resurrection:
- Three Days and Three Nights – When did Jesus Himself say this period would start? Was it literally three days and three nights as He said? When did it end? Biblical clues point to a much different answer than tradition suggests.
- In the Heart of the Earth – Just where was this located? The answer, from the Bible itself, is surprising and not what most have understood. The phrase will take on a much greater and personal significance for you.
- He Saw and Believed – What did John see in the tomb to convince him Jesus had been raised when shortly before he understood grave robbers had been there first? Something unique about the grave clothes convinced him of the resurrection.
- His Resurrection on the Lord’s Day – Did the event of Jesus’ Resurrection occur on His day – the seventh-day Sabbath ((Matthew 12:8)? What are the implications for Sunday sacredness?
- The Heart of the Matter – How far will God go in allowing us to have the desire of our hearts? Does He always allow us to have our free will? Ponder the most important questions about how the significance of “in the heart of the earth” applies to you personally.
Note that this is the 2024 edition (First published in 2009).
Download e-book (1.6mb PDF file; 200 pages)
Supplement Additional, related information on the Timing of the
Resurrection, First Fruits and Pentecost (711 kb; 28pages)
The Lake of Fire and the Second Death
by Ray Foucher. An in-depth study about the identity of the Lake of Fire and the nature of the Second Death. Also available as a video – see The Lake of Fire and the Second Death in the video section below. Revelation 21:8 says the Lake of Fire is the Second Death so the two very much need to be considered together.
The book says more about this interesting connection:
Hard Copy (English version only) click here for information on obtaining this book – FREE (form at bottom of page)
Contact me for hard copies in other languages.
Ebook versions:
English (Britain, Canada, United States etc., 2 mb pdf; 44 pages, March 2021 version)
Bahasa (Indonesia)
Cebuano (Philippines)
Cestina (Czech Republic and some eastern European countries)
Ekegusii (Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania)
Kiswahili (Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania)
Krio (Sierra Leone)
Spanish (Spain and countries in South America)
Twi (Ghana)
See the video version of this ebook at (57 min) or in the videos section further down this page.
The Remedy New Testament
by Timothy Jennings. The second edition of this expanded paraphrase in everyday English is updated with over 1,000 edits from the first edition. Written from the perspective of salvation as a matter of healing rather than as a matter of legal standing. Very good for understanding God’s Remedy for our sin problem.
On-line access index to find book, chapter and verse; first edition
Hard Copy second edition; from Amazon
Will America Survive?
by Ellen White. This is becoming a question in more and more minds as the debt rises, the crises mount and the divisions widen. From the back cover:
“History is littered with the wrecks of grand civilizations. Many believe America has reached, perhaps surpassed, the zenith of her greatness – that she is destined to become a second-rate world power.
Millions more believe American is on the brink of economic and moral ruin, and may lead the world into nuclear Armageddon, attempting to hold her position of power and prestige.
Here are fascinating predictions about America, and surprising conclusions about what the future may hold.”
Note that this book has been published under a variety of other titles. Originally titled The Great Controversy, it has also been titled America in Prophecy. As I have a limited supply, I am asking (at least for now) that if you already have a copy please leave this limited supply for those who do not already have a copy.
Will America Survive? is available here. This book is not so much directly about the character of God but it is very important considering the time and circumstances we find ourselves in. It gives the historical background that helps to make sense of events in the world and especially in the United States at present. A careful reader will see the connection to the character of God.
Wow! If This is What God is Like Then Count Me In!
By Ed Sager
Have you ever wondered what the thief, hanging next to Jesus, saw that changed him? It had to be something of great significance, don’t you agree? Especially, when it caused him to think – “Wow! If this is what God is like, then count me in! So get set for a spiritual journey like no other, exposing what the enemy doesn’t want us to know. You may discover the same awesome picture of God that the thief saw, if you’re open to listening, that is.
We should understand that the enemy, the lord over evil, has been allowed to cause massive confusion throughout the earth. But, we also should know that God is in ultimate control and would surely have a sound reason for allowing such a chaotic world. In fact, He did say that He had more to tell us, but we were not ready to hear it way back then. Could His timing for us to hear, be now?
So the intent of this little book is meant to reveal God’s reasons along with what the thief saw that caused him to change his mind.
This and other titles of Ed’s are available at Amazon in paperback or Kindle Edition.
Other Books by Ray Foucher
(not directly related to character-of-God issues)
The Date of Jesus’ Birth – this study looks at evidence for the true date of Jesus’ birth. It was definitely not on December 25.
Instant download The Date of Jesus’ Birth (14 pages; 526 kb)
You can also see my video about where Jesus was born. You will see very good Biblical evidence that it was quite a different situation than is commonly understood.
Is Nisan 14 the Feast of Passover? – shows that Nisan 14 is not the Feast of Passover but the day of preparation for Passover. There is often confusion over this, resulting in unscriptural timelines for the events of crucifixion week. This is a very thorough study that examines every Biblical (KJV) use of the word “Passover.” Note that this is the updated second edition, March 2023.
From the back cover:
- There is much confusion about the timing of Passover, and other spring feasts.
- Most people don’t even realize that Nisan 14 is never called a feast day.
- In fact, the Bible never even calls it “Passover day” or “the day of Passover.”
- Nisan 14, the day before the crucifixion, was the day the disciples prepared.
- Jesus was still alive and observed the Passover in the early hours of Nisan 15.
- He died on Nisan 15, seemingly a day late, but that was our fault, not His.
- Everyone assumes Jesus must have died on Nisan 14 but the Bible doesn’t say that.
- Correctly understanding the timing of Nisan 14 helps with other timing issues.
Instant download Is Nisan 14 the Feast of Passover? (64 pages; 1.0mb)
Is Pentecost Always on a Sunday? – shows that Pentecost is always on a seventh-day Sabbath, His special day to meet with His people .
Instant download Is Pentecost Always on a Sunday? (31 pages; 0.7mb)
A glossary is vital to understand scripture as it is necessary to understand the words the Bible uses to convey its truths. This is especially true in regards to the character of God and the gospel both of which have been misunderstood. There are two major and very different ways (or paradigms) with which to understand much of scripture. Which model a person holds very much affects their understanding of the character of God. Learn the words of God to understand the Word of God. Detailed definitions and words studies of dozens of important terms.
To access the glossary go to the on-line glossary pages index
Download the Glossary (Third edition, January 2024) as a PDF file (4.3 mb; 453 pages, now with over 100 terms )
The Glossary is also available in a flip-book format at: (2023 edition, only)
Here are quick links to the terms included:
accuser, advocate*, anger*, appease, arrows, atonement, awe*, blood, blot, books/records, born again, breach, chastening of the Lord, command, condemnation, conscience, consumed, cross, curse, destroy/destruction, destroyer, discomfited, dominion, eternal/everlasting/forever, fear, fire, forgiveness, forsake, glory, gospel, guilt, hardened, hell, hiding the face, holy, hornets, intercession, intercessor, jealous God, judgment, just (a just man), just (God is just), justice, justification, justified*, kill, kingdom of God, law, lightning*, longsuffering, love, mark, mediator*, mercy, murder*, name, of the Lord, overthrow, perfection, price*, pricks*, probation, propitiation, punishment, ransom, recompense, reconciliation, redeemed*, remission, repentance, righteousness, sacrifice, sanctification, sanctuary, sealed, second death, sent (“the lord sent”), shame, sin, sin (made to be), sinful flesh*, sinner, smote, strange act, sword, torment, vengeance, visit, works, wrath
These tri-fold tracts can easily be printed, folded and shared. Please make use of them.
Two Ways to Understand the Gospel
The Bible says that God is love (1 John 4:8) but sometimes, especially in the Old Testament, He doesn’t seem very loving. This tract series gives the key of how to know what God is really like and the good news is that it is good news indeed.
No. 1 – God is Love covers the truth that God is love which is the basis for a correct understanding of the gospel and of everything about God.
Download: No. 1 – God is Love (210 kb pdf)
Ekegusii (Kenya) version
Krio (Sierra Leone) version
No. 2 – The Law of God explains that God made His laws for our good not for His own. His laws are based on natural rather than imposed principles.
Download: No. 2 – The Law of God (231 kb pdf)
Ekegusii (Kenya) version
Krio (Sierra Leone) version
No. 3 – The Justice of God shows that His justice is not retributive (imposing penalties) but restorative – attempting to heal and restore the sinner.
Download: No. 3 – The Justice of God (212 kb pdf)
Ekegusii (Kenya) version
Krio (Sierra Leone) version
From Maranatha Media
Are “acts of God” demonstrations of His anger towards us?
Is this God’s Anger? (510 kb pdf)
All videos from are listed at:
See details on videos in each list at the links below:
Character of God Videos – videos of group studies on various character-of-God topics
Glossary Videos – videos of group studies and definitions of important Bible terms
Power Point Presentation Videos – videos of Power Point Presentations
Revelation Videos – videos of group studies on the character of God in the book of Revelation
Verse Study Videos – videos of group studies of some difficult-to-understand verses
YouTube Shorts Videos – 60-second videos on a variety of topics
Greg Boyd
Something Else Must be Going On (7 min) – Greg asks and answers a very important question that everyone needs to consider in relation to the character of God.
Timothy Jennings
The Book of Job (go to the 4th quarter)– A series of 14 studies (a few are by substitute teachers) into this book that is important to understand in relation to the character of God. Accompanying audio (mp3) and notes (PDF) files available. Some are especially good on how a correct understanding of God’s character impacts the gospel.
Character of God Resources: Facebook Page
The Facebook page associated with this website is: Character of God (started in 2020). Please visit and give the page a like. Thanks, that helps.
Character of God Resources: Other Collections of Resources
There are other websites with collections of available resources: an extensive list of resources sorted by category with sources to purchase. Many are free to download, watch or listen to.
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