Daniel 8:14 – The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
(Part 1 – Daniel 8:14 Overview and Index of the Cleansing of the Sanctuary Series)
Ray’s note: This page is a summary of the whole study to give an overview of a completely different but Bible-based and exciting perspective on the cleansing of the sanctuary. While the content represents my best understanding at the time of writing, I recognize that understanding is growing and changes may be needed. Comments are welcome.
Also, this study (all 23 parts) is available as a downloadable e-book.
Daniel 8:14 says:
“And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” (Dan 8:14)
The cleansing of the sanctuary foretold in Daniel 8:14 is an important Biblical concept. It relates to the character of God in that, correctly understood, it reveals what sanctuary God is most concerned with cleansing. That and how He achieves the cleansing very much reflects on His character and how He relates to us.
This study will closely examine the concept of the cleansing of the sanctuary including what sanctuary is really being cleansed, how that process works and how it can impact our daily lives. We will get into some genetics and psychology and very practical applications to our own lives and cleansing because we all need that – because we are all dirty.
Ray’s note: This is a lengthy study when all the supporting pages are included. As you go through this page, click the links provided (open in new browser windows) for more details and documentation on important topics then come back to this page (Part 1) to continue the study. When you have gone through all parts of the study and are familiar with the various subtopics you can just read this page to review the big picture or jump to specific parts.
We will start by defining what a sanctuary is. Follow this link (opens in a new window): Sanctuary – definition (part 2) then return here to continue the study. So now you know (if you read the definition at that link which is an entry in The Character of God and the Gospel Glossary) that a sanctuary is more than a dwelling place; it includes the concept of a place of safety. We will continue looking at the meaning of a sanctuary as referred to by Daniel and how it has been understood over time.
Long before Daniel 8:14 was written, Moses described a sanctuary in the desert which had very much of a teaching role for the children of Israel and is illustrative also for us of how the plan of salvation works. We can see that the Old Testament Sanctuary (part 3) was very much like a theater and that, on its own, it could not accomplish the cleansing that was needed (could not take away sins – Heb 10:4). Clearly, it was meant to point to a greater reality. Following parts of this study will identify the true sanctuary and show, in detail, the process of cleansing the sanctuary.
There is considerable history associated with the understanding of Daniel 8:14. In the early 1800’s it came to the attention of people who assumed that the sanctuary was the Earth itself which would be cleansed at the Second Coming of Christ. When a prediction for that event did not happen, the focus shifted to the idea of a Heavenly Sanctuary (part 4). While there is some (but surprising little) direct evidence of a sanctuary in heaven, there is a scarcity of evidence that there is anything in heaven in need of cleansing.
More recently, starting in the last half of the twentieth century, attention has shifted back to the Earth, not as the sanctuary itself, but to an expected physical Earthly Sanctuary (part 5) expected to be built in Jerusalem – the third Jewish Temple. Reading that page, we can see the possibility of a third temple yet to be built on earth but also evidence that it could not be the true temple or sanctuary to be cleansed.
So the true tabernacle:
- is not the Old Testament sanctuary
- is not the Earth itself as some believed almost 200 years ago
- is not a heavenly sanctuary as we saw there is little evidence for
- is not a yet-to-be-built third temple in Israel in the near future
Then what is the true tabernacle or sanctuary? Where is it? When is it to be cleansed?
Scripture has much to say about yet another temple/sanctuary which I believe is the one heaven is really concerned about. See this detailed look at The True Sanctuary (part 6) and note the considerable Bible evidence pointing to where God most wants to abide.
So there is considerable Bible evidence that the sanctuary or tabernacle where God really wants to dwell is in us; we are the tabernacle. But how does that work? Christ living in us sounds rather mysterious. It helps make sense of this to look at how this would work physically. If in us, then where in us? Scripture often uses the term “heart” to refer to the mind as in writing laws in our minds/hearts. See the Sanctuary of the Heart (part 7) for evidence that God wants to dwell in our minds – the part of us that makes us who we are as individuals; the part of us that can actually welcome Him in.
So when Daniel 8:14 says:
“And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” (Dan 8:14)
We can now understand that it is talking about the sanctuary that is our minds. But how is it that The Sanctuary of the Mind Needs Cleansing (part 8)? The Bible describes the state of man’s heart as being in need of cleansing right from the start – scripture calls it “the carnal mind.” Part 8 has shown that whether we completely trust God or not is greatly dependent on our perception of and knowledge of Him. It doesn’t even make sense to ask the average worldly person to trust in God. You wouldn’t necessarily expect someone to trust in a complete stranger. Trust comes with familiarity; with knowledge of character – are they, in fact, trustworthy?
As noted in that discussion of the sanctuary of the mind needing cleansing (the link above), there are three levels of sin:
- sinful attitude (distrust towards God)
- sinful flesh (fallen human nature)
- sinful acts
Next we want to consider How Does the Mind/Heart Get Dirty? (part 9) We can see and we probably all know that the contamination is largely through our senses. That, of course, is the reasoning behind the expression “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” and the need to guard our senses.
Before getting to the details of the cleansing process we should consider a couple of other factors. While cleansing of the sanctuary can be an individual process, there is a timing aspect suggested by Daniel 8:14. The question is: how can an individual process that is needed by every person who has ever lived be consistent with a start time at some point in history? Perhaps there is more than one sense in which cleansing happens. Looking at The Timing of the Cleansing (part 10) as mentioned in Daniel 8:14 in its place in history will help to make that distinction.
Now we can see that there is a special cleansing in an end-time setting that is especially significant and that this cleansing of the sanctuary is dependent, in large part, on a better understanding of the character of God – our judgment of God.
The term “end-time” suggests a time of judgment so we also need to consider how the judgment is involved and look at the question Is Cleansing the Same as Judgment? (part 11). A careful comparison of verses shows that judgment and cleansing are two different processes. Judgment could be said to be an evaluation or verification of the cleansing (or healing) process – was it successful or not? Clearly, judgment is entirely dependent on the results of the cleansing process.
Another aspect of judgment of great interest is the suggestion that God Himself, His character is to be judged as suggested in Romans 3:4 “… when thou (God) art judged.” Judgment or evaluation of God is suggested by a number of verses in Revelation such as Rev 14:7, 15:3, 16:5,7.
When the decision (judgment) of anyone is finalized it needs to be based on real evidence. The question is: where is that evidence? What form is it in? How will it be used? See the Character of God and the Gospel Glossary definition for The Books/Records of Heaven (part 12). It is very interesting to consider what is written, where it is written and for what purpose. While the omniscient God remembers everything, He “forgets” our sins only in the sense of not remembering for the purpose of dealing out retributive punishment (which He never does). He does not remember in the sense we do if we should say to someone who has wronged us (“I’ll remember that” – in a certain, very emphatic tone of voice.) So who really needs to remember our sins and where is that record stored?
We can now see that cleansing of the sanctuary, most importantly, refers to the cleansing of human minds. What exactly is involved? How does the process work? It turns out that we are each A Being of Two Minds (part 13). Knowing the different roles of the conscious and subconscious minds will be key to our further understanding of the cleansing process. Cleansing of the one is very much dependent on the cleansing of the other.
As mentioned in Part 8, since sin exists on three levels: 1) the sinful attitude; 2) the sinful flesh; and 3) the sinful acts, the cleansing must take that into account. To understand that we need to understand Humanity’s First Infection (part 14) and the order in which those sins occurred even back in the Garden of Eden. Trying to clean up the sins in our lives will never work if we don’t attend to the root of the problem. The cleaning of the sanctuary must proceed in the right order or it will never happen.
The right attitude towards God can only happen with a correct understanding and appreciation of His character. Knowing what the problem is, with anything in life, is a good start to resolving it. What we also need is the motivation to take the steps required to fix the situation.
Fear is known to be a good motivator. For our safety, the fear response can move us to life-saving action. However, even in the face of fear, The Motivation of Love (part 15) can overcome that fear and move us to do something that, from love, we want to do even in the face of fear screaming at us not to do it. Oh to get to that point of having perfect love and no fear (1 John 4:18)!
This will be important when people are brought to the moment of having to make a decision between worshiping the beast or not. Compare:
“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” (Rev 13:15)
“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God …” (Rev 14:9-10)
Having the right motivation actuated by the right attitude towards God is crucial. That needs to be followed by a renewing of our minds that are so affected by long-held beliefs. They are wired (they have actually been rewired as a result of man’s fallen nature) for failure. Cleansing of what the Bible calls the flesh involves an actual rewiring of brain circuits. Only then can we effectively begin to clean up our act – our acts of sin.
The levels of sin in our lives must be dealt with in the right order:
- sinful attitude
- sinful flesh
- sinful acts
We will never succeed in mopping up the mess of sin in our lives if we don’t deal with the source of the problem first.
So once the attitude is adjusted, we can begin to focus on Renewing the Mind (part 16). The mind is referred to as the sinful flesh as it resides in the flesh. The flesh itself as in arms and legs etc is not sinful; it is only the mind which has the capacity to makes moral choices.
We are well-aware of our need for this change to happen by way of something called our conscience (A Clear Conscience, part 17) which, unless we have been stifling its voice, reminds us of past wrongs, tells us when we are doing wrong and, when more finely-tuned, warns when we are in danger of doing wrong.
When we are aware that we are on a sinful path we need to turn to the remedy found in the Word of God. Cleansing by the Word (part 18) is a process by which, with our permission, God writes His law in our hearts. That word, implanted in our hearts, will result in perfect love and the casting out of fear.
So many people attempt to get right with God by first cleaning up their outward behavior – the sinful acts. While it is not wrong to do that, it is tackling the problem in the wrong order and leads to little, if any, real success. Once a person corrects their sinful attitude (the source of the problem) by appreciating the true character of God and the mind (the sinful flesh) is renewed, then and only then will they be equipped to finish Mopping up the Mess (part 19) of acts of sin in the life.
It is important to recognize that “Thy way, O God is in the sanctuary …” (Psa 77:13). Not understanding what that means can lead to confusion over how God deals with sin. Does God require sacrificial offerings for sin to appease His wrath? Has He ever? Isn’t He ever-merciful? “His mercy endureth for ever” is a phrase that occurs 41 times in the Bible. Thy Way is in the Sanctuary (part 20) explains the purpose of the sanctuary and how the cleansing of the sanctuary works.
When we understand all that is involved in the cleansing of the sanctuary of our mind we will have additional motivation to engage in the process and realize the Benefits of Cleansing (part 21). Those benefits are for not just for us but extend to those around us and far beyond.
The cleansing process fits us for a place in The Kingdom of Heaven (Part 22). But is that kingdom simply heaven itself – the physical place? Or does it even include a mindset, a way of thinking and understanding the kingdom? We can be citizens of the heavenly kingdom while not actually physically in heaven.
Since our minds are housed in our bodies and the two are so intimately connected, as God takes such an active role (if we will let Him) in the cleansing process, another question could be asked. If He wants to make our minds a sanctuary/dwelling place/habitation for Himself will He also take some responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the flesh where this sanctuary is housed. A Fit Temple (part 23) gives us some surprising clues that, yes, He will.
This is Part 1 of the Cleansing of the Sanctuary Series
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February 18, 2020 @ 1:17 pm
Hi Ray-
I have been blessed by this study thus far. Do you intend to publish this when complete, or have a total .pdf (including the “blue” linked studies”) available for download? I would like to share the complete study with our weekly fellowship group as we celebrate the Sabbath each week.
God Bless.
March 29, 2020 @ 6:17 pm
It has been such a blessing to actually understand what the sanctuary really is that God wants cleansed and more, to be able to have such detailed instruction of how to go about making the necessary adjustments in mind and then body to bring about the desired results. And whilst this may not happen overnight, to have such inspired help is so needful in today’s “me first” world. Thank you very much.
March 7, 2021 @ 2:10 pm
Praise the Lord. The Bible is the word of God and the only perspective to be considered. I would recommend you re read Leviticus 16:1-28.And remembering that Jesus is are High Priest ;Hebrews 7,8,9.
October 28, 2021 @ 2:11 am
Just came upon this website this morning, and find it good, so I would like to receive your newsletter please.
February 1, 2022 @ 4:36 pm
Thank you very much for the helpful outline. Could I please receive your newsletter? Thank you.
February 6, 2022 @ 1:42 pm
This is faith of Gods promises to His people I will not leave you or forsake you I will come to you. You didn’t choose me I have chosen you. Man’s extremity is God’s opportunity to feed our hunger for righteousness and thirst for water in a dry land. In a world that operates in falsehood, lust, abuse of power, violence and concealments God upgrades humanities vibrational frequency when a few faithful servants cling to Him with all their might even under extreme persecution and abuses on every level. We learn our weapons are mighty to pulling down the lofty strongholds. So thankful for the truth presented here. LOVE AND LIGHT AND PEACE. Evelyn T Woodson
October 29, 2022 @ 3:57 pm
Hello Mr. Foucher,
Just a couple of questions on your article “The Old Testament Sanctuary”. You wrote:
“So when Daniel 8:14 says:
‘And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.’ (Dan 8:14)
We can now understand that it is talking about the sanctuary that is our minds.”
However, the context of Daniel 8:14 is the question:
“Then I heard a holy one[an] speaking. Another holy one said to the one who was speaking, “To what period of time does the vision pertain—this vision concerning the daily sacrifice and the destructive act of rebellion and the giving over of both the sanctuary and army to be trampled?” (Daniel 8:13 NET.)
The context has nothing to do with the sins of the saints. Instead, it is all about the rebellious destructive acts of the little horn to defame and undermine the worship of God by his people. If there is any “cleansing,” it is of the little horn and his works, not of God’s people.
Would you please explain how your citation of this passage in Daniel is related to “cleansing” the minds of God’s people? It seems completely out of context.
Second question. “Cleansing” is a very poor translation of the Hebrew word tsâdaq (H6663). In no other place in the KJV is this word translated as “cleansing.” This is very poor hermeneutics. Only 14 of the 54 versions that I checked use the word “cleansed.” Twelve of these were variants of the KJV. The rest of the versions translated the word as being restored to its rightful state.
Would you please explain how this questionable translation of a verse supports your thesis of cleansing the sanctuary about which God is most concerned?
I appreciated your thoughts on the temple of our minds, but it is not clear to me why you are citing Daniel 8:14 out of context, as it confuses rather than clarifying your line of thinking.
October 31, 2022 @ 8:17 pm
Hi Richard
Thank you for your comment and questions.
You are right that the cleansing is not about the sins of the saints. Rather, it is about the saints’ (and everyone else’s) wrong understanding of God’s character; that is what is to be, we could say, “restored to its rightful state.” And that wrong understanding came about because of the actions of the little horn. He has undermined the worship of God by defaming the character of God.
My study on the meaning of “worship” is not yet posted to the glossary but it is coming. It will surely include this very good quote about worship:
“Worship is the habitual process of accurately assessing the character of God and ascribing worthiness to Him for Who He is in every prayer, in every song, in every message.” (Ty Gibson)
The “cleansing” (and perhaps that is not a good translation) is not so much about the actions of the little horn as it is about the revelation of God’s true character in order to correct the effects of the actions of the little horn and “every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God …” (2 Cor 10:5).
That correction is, most importantly, to happen in the minds of God’s people so that, by their true understanding and appreciation of His character, they may reflect that character in their own lives.
The end of the time period mentioned in Daniel 8:14 corresponds to the time when God especially began to work through His people on earth to reveal His true character.
May 4, 2023 @ 2:43 am
Thank you for this amazing insight into the cleansing of the sanctuary, explained very well and appreciated. Thank you again.
July 17, 2023 @ 11:55 pm
Excellent Study.
December 15, 2023 @ 4:35 pm
You wrote:
“While there is some (but surprising little) direct evidence of a sanctuary in heaven, there is a scarcity of evidence that there is anything in heaven in need of cleansing.”
However, Hebrews 8:2 says that Christ, as our High Priest, is “a minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not man.”
Hebrews further explains that the earthly priests, the gifts and offerings, served as “the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: for, See, saith he, that thou make all things according to the pattern shewed to thee in the mount.” Hebrews 8:3-5
The glimpses John was given of heaven reveal a very real tabernacle, with a candlestick an altar of incense and the ark of the covenant! Revelation 1:13 / 7:15 / 8:3-5 / 11:19 / 14:17 / 15:5.
You correctly said that the “sanctuary in the desert … had very much of a teaching role for the children of Israel and is illustrative also for us of how the plan of salvation works.”
Yes … the ENTIRE plan of salvation, of which JUDGMENT plays a central role. The Day of Atonement was a day of judgment. On that day, the sanctuary was “cleansed” of all defilement … cleansed of the record of sins (represented by the blood brought in throughout the year). Note that “Daniel” means “God is my judge” … there is a judgment scene in Daniel 7:9-10 exactly the same scene shown to John in Rev. 20:11-13.
Then Daniel 8:14 mentions the cleansing of the sanctuary. There is a VERY BIG CONTEXT here that includes the sanctuary, both the earthly, where the little horn sets up a false, counterfeit priesthood, and the heavenly, where the true High Priest Jesus Christ intercedes on behalf of His people. HE is the ONLY MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MEN. This is all meant to expose the false gospel of the RCC and rediscover the true gospel of our High Priest Jesus Christ and His work in heaven for us.