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About the Character of God Web Site

The brief paragraphs below include descriptions of and links to a few pages that will help you understand this site and what it is about.

About me will introduce you to me, Ray Foucher, the originator and webmaster of this website. I am the one to talk to about any issues, typos etc with the site. There is content from a variety of contributors so, in some cases, specific questions regarding their materials might be better directed to them.

About my position describes, in broad terms, my understanding of the character of God issue and provides a little history of how I got involved in it. I will be adding articles that will detail particular parts of this message.

About contributors to this message is an article about those who promote the truth about the character of God and how they co-operate with each other despite a variety of backgrounds.

About this message – describes the message of this website at its most fundamental level. Why should we consider the topic of the character of God to be important to us?

About this site will describe how to get the most out of this website, what it is designed to do etc. You may have a question about the character of God, want to suggest material for the site, want to know how to support it etc. That page is the place to find that.

About our privacy policy – describes what information is stored and how it is used for those subscribing to newsletters or contacting this site in any way.

About our activities – describes the book printing and distribution work and online studies and videos of this ministry.

About your support – there are a variety of ways you can support the spreading of this message.

Appreciation, messages of – some examples of what people are saying about this site and especially about this message.