Marilyn Campbell
I became a Christian at the age of 17, through reading a child’s story book about the visitation of angels to Abraham. I was electrified to learn that one of those visitors was Deity. God was real and He really interacted with humans on this planet. I went from believing that God was not particularly interested in me to knowing of His love for me and His real interest in my salvation. This insight moved me to become a Christian.
The years passed and I experienced suffering. I looked around and saw suffering everywhere. How could One Who is love allow the degree of suffering that I saw in the world? I had to know. I prayed to understand, and when I prayed I was impressed to read the Bible through, from Genesis to Revelation. I resisted the impression. That book—so big with so much in it that I didn’t understand? I was fairly certain that the King James Bible would be hard to understand; therefore, I got my hands on a Jerusalem Bible and when I had finished reading it, I had the message of God’s character of love, as I now understand it. Why isn’t someone teaching this, I wondered? I later discovered that others were teaching it, Dr. Graham Maxwell being probably the most prominent. I now love the word and read through various translations constantly.
Truly, Christ’s love constrains us. The more we know of His love, the more our love for Him increases. That has been my experience through all these years.
While learning the message of God’s character of love, I “accidentally” stumbled on the truth about how God saves people. This too enabled me to see the difference between the light and the darkness, and the darkness lost its attraction for me. Since it seems that the two messages go together, I therefore incorporate both in my teaching.
Marilyn wrote the article Let Him Buy a Sword on this site.
Education B. A. Degree in English Education
- Light On the Dark Side of God
- Light through the Darkness: A Vindication of God (replaces Light On the Dark Side of God)
- Supplement to Light through the Darkness
- The Language of Heaven: Unconquerable Power for Your Life
- Supplement to The Language of Heaven
Tri-fold Tracts:
- How Does God Save Humans?
- Jesus: Perfect Reflection of the Father
- God: Ultimate Blame-taker for the Universe
- What Is the Wrath of God?
- The War in Heaven
- The Wars of Israel
- Alternate End Game
- The Exception that Proves the Rule
- What About the Fire?
(Available from website as downloadable PDF files)
- A New Look At the Character of God
- Exploring the Depths of Christ’s Love
- Bible Proof God Does NOT Kill
- The Wrath of God
- The Wars of Israel
(Others in the works)
The first of the videos above can be viewed here (55 min):