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News and Information from


September 3, 2023

This newsletter reports news from and additions to www.characterofgod.org since the last newsletter (May 25, 2023). Aside from additions listed herein, I am always making improvements to pages to make this website a valuable resource and hub of information about the character of God, the people who are foremost in promoting it and more.

Summer is a very busy time for me so not as many additions as usual. What I have done is work to get more of our videos online. You will see them listed below.

The Character of God and the Gospel Glossary

 This is a valuable resource to help understand terms that are understood differently between the Traditional Legal and the Biblical Healing models of the gospel. 

Study pages added since the last newsletter:

https://characterofgod.org/destroy-brightness/  “Destroyed by the brightness of His coming” is not talking about bright lights.

https://characterofgod.org/jesus-crucifixion-bible/ “Crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh” implies that there was/is more to it than the physical act in the past.

Those pages add to the glossary. Here are the terms in the glossary at present with links to entries:

accuser, advocate (with intercession), anger (with wrath), appease, arbitrary*, arrows, atonement, awe (with fear), Biblical Healing Model*, blood, blot, books/records, born again, breach, brightness, chastening of the Lord, command, condemnation, consequence-natural*, conscience, consumed, covenant, cross, crucifixion, curse, cut off, destroy/destruction, destroyer, discomfited, dispensation, dominion, eternal/everlasting/forever, fear, fire, forgiveness, forsake, free will*, glory, gospel, guilt (with shame), hardened, hell, hiding the face, holy, hornets, intercession, intercessor, jealous God, judgment, just (a just man), just (God is just)justice, justification, justified (with justification), kill, kingdom of God, law, law-design*, law-imposed*, legalism*, lightning (with arrows), lion, longsuffering, love, mark, mediator (with intercession), mercy, murder (with kill), name, of the Lord, overthrow, penal substitution,* perfection, price (with ransom), pricks (with discomfited), probation,* propitiation, punishment, ransom, recompense, reconciliation, redeemed (with ransom), remission, repentance, righteousness, sacrifice, sanctification, sanctuary, sealed, second death, sent (“the Lord sent”), shame, sin, sin (made to be), sinful flesh (with sin, made to be), sinner, smote, sovereign*, strange act, surely die, sword, torment, Traditional Legal Model*, vengeance, visit, works, wrath
*Supplemental terms, (not actually in the Bible, KJV)
Terms included with another indicated by: “(with …)”

Terms that may yet be added (and probably more) as studies and editing are done:

 accommodation*, believe/faith/trust, brimstone, consume away, converted, covenants, destroying angel, grace, idolatry, imparted/imputed, omniscience*, rod of iron, salvation, scapegoat, stoning, tithing, worship

 New (January 2023, second edition) of the glossary in PDF format

 Download at: https://characterofgod.org/resources#glossary

Now with 100 terms and 391 pages, this is a valuable resource to help with the understanding of terms important for a correct understanding of the character of God and even the gospel itself. More terms to be added yet for a future edition.


 Other new pages:

https://characterofgod.org/challenge-for-skeptic/ – I was challenged with this: “How on Earth do you read the Bible and come away with the conclusion that God doesn’t destroy? Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah?” I responded in kind.

https://characterofgod.org/about-our-activities/ – shows some of the work of this ministry in book translation/distribution and in support of missionary activities in Africa – with pictures.

New Contributors

There are now 40 profiles at https://characterofgod.org/contributors/. These are for people who have made significant contributions to spreading the truth about the true character of God. Here is the newest addition:

Bradley and Christa Mock (New York, U.S.A.)

Our Most Unique Teachings

Links were added at the top of the right column on webpages to the most unique teachings shared on this site. Among these, you are sure to find something completely new to you.

God forgives every sin, even if we don’t ask

We are the sanctuary to be cleansed in Daniel 8:14

 The Father did NOT forsake Jesus on the cross

 Jesus’ resurrection at the start of the Sabbath

 The Lion of the tribe of Judah is really a Lamb

 God does NOT burn the lost in a Lake of Fire/Hell


I am working to post more videos on YouTube. The YouTube channel connected to this website is: https://youtube.com/@characterofGodvideos. Go there to access the videos below. Here are some of the videos posted sorted into three categories. Many of them are not edited but are just recordings of our weekly group studies via Zoom. More videos from past sessions will be posted as well as videos from future sessions.

Word Study Videos
Many of our studies discuss various Biblical terms which is part of the process of preparing to add them to the Character of God and the Gospel Glossary. Here are the available videos:

Revelation Series
We are presently going through the book of Revelation to especially look at where an understanding of the true character of God impacts its meaning.

Other Videos
These are other videos on a variety of topics related to the character of God.

Books and Tracts

We continue distributing books worldwide and have partners in various countries who can send in their areas to reduce postage costs. Editing for the translation of the booklet The Lake of Fire and the Second Death into Ekegusii (a language in Kenya) is nearly complete. We have been able to have books printed in Kenya and Ghana and have contacts in those countries distributing books.

Evangelism in Kenya

Here is our missionary contact in Kenya, Evans Onkoba (far left) with some other pastors and a large group of baptismal candidates. There is not much literature available in that area so what we have been able to supply is appreciated.

 Did God Kill Jesus Instead of Killing Us?

That is the actual thinking in some Christian groups. I would like to highly recommend this book available from the author, a friend in Maine, U.S.A. It helps to straighten out the thinking on this topic.

Did God Kill Jesus


I have completed tract number 3 – God’s Justice. Each of these tri-fold tracts examines a different aspect of the character of God. They are available as PDF files that anyone can print. Download at: https://characterofgod.org/resources/#tracts

 Previous Newsletters

Recent newsletters can be accessed at: https://characterofgod.org/newsletters/

My Other Website/Newsletter

For more good spiritual material, please see my other website https://www.jesus-resurrection.info/ which was started to share about the timing of Jesus’ resurrection but also includes many other items of interest (well over 600 pages) There is also a quarterly newsletter available there highlighting current events that point to a soon Second Coming.


Please get back to me, Ray Foucher, at rayfoucher@gmail.com with any feedback from this newsletter and …

Please share this information and website with others.