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CharacterofGod.org News
April 28, 2020

This newsletter reports news from and additions to https://www.characterofgod.org since the last newsletter (Dec 2019). Aside from additions listed herein, I am always making improvements to pages to make this a valuable resource and hub of information about the character of God, the people who are foremost in promoting it and more.

New Material Added

https://characterofgod.org/2-kings-1-12/  – Were the Captains and Their Fifties Just “Put to Sleep”? – Deals with the question of whether these men were killed or just “put to sleep” as some suggest.

https://characterofgod.org/aaronic-blessing/  – a guest article by Jeff Benner a teacher Biblical interpretation using the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

Featured Series – The Cleansing of the Sanctuary

https://characterofgod.org/daniel-814-the-cleansing-of-the-sanctuary/ – the introductory article (part 1) to the series The Cleansing of the Sanctuary referred to in Daniel 8:14 “then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.” This is a series of 22 studies (nearly complete) I have written on this topic making the connection that God wants to live within His people to perfect their characters so that they can truly represent His character to the world.

Part 2 previously posted in The Character of God and the Gospel Glossary examines the definition for “sanctuary.”

The next few parts are to identify what sanctuary is to be cleansed.

https://characterofgod.org/the-old-testament-sanctuary/ (Part 3) looks at the Old Testament sanctuary noting that the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin (Heb 10:4).

https://characterofgod.org/heavenly-sanctuary/ (Part 4) scripture actually has very little to say about a literal sanctuary in heaven.

https://characterofgod.org/earthly-sanctuary/ (Part 5) many people are looking towards a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem – careful there.

https://characterofgod.org/true-sanctuary/ (Part 6) scripture has much to say about what the temple of God really is. A holy God desires to dwell in His people, the true sanctuary, which thus needs to be cleansed.

https://characterofgod.org/sanctuary-heart/ (Part 7) really, the heart is the mind, the part of us that can actually welcome His presence.

https://characterofgod.org/sanctuary-mind/ (Part 8) goes into how it is that the heart can need cleansing.

https://characterofgod.org/temptation-definition/  (Part 9) looks at the sources of temptation, mainly our senses and one other significant source.

https://characterofgod.org/timing-of-cleansing/ (Part 10) finds an interesting connection to the reference that the temple had been under construction for 46 years.

https://characterofgod.org/cleansing-vs-judgment/ (Part 11) looks  at the question of whether cleansing and judgment are the same thing

Part 12 previously posted in The Character of God and the Gospel Glossary examines the definition for the books or records of heaven. Do they need cleansing?

https://characterofgod.org/two-minds/ (Part 13) makes the distinction between or conscious and subconscious minds and the different roles they play.

https://characterofgod.org/original-sin-definition/ (Part 14) looks at humanity’s first infection with sin – it was not eating the forbidden fruit. Sin is described as occurring on three levels as the cartoon below illustrates. Read the study for details.

https://characterofgod.org/love-motivation/ (Part 15) points us to the motivation needed to cleanse our sanctuary without which it would never happen.

https://characterofgod.org/renewing-mind/ (Part 16) this is the part that really needs cleansing.

https://characterofgod.org/conscience-bible/ (Part 17) points out the critical role our conscience plays in this cleansing process.

https://characterofgod.org/ephesians-5-26/ (Part 18) the Word implanted in our hearts plays a very important part.

Parts 19-21 have been shared in our study group but are yet to be edited and posted. That should happen within the next month or so.

Mopping up the Mess (Part 19)

Thy Way is in the Sanctuary (Part 20)

Benefits of Cleansing (Part 21)

A Fit Temple (Part 22) – To be presented at our weekly Bible study group now conducted via ZOOM.

Glossary Entries

There have been no new entries in the last few months due to my concentrating on the Cleansing of the Sanctuary series but remember that resource is there to help understand important terms. The following words are presently included: appease, atonement, blood, books (heavenly records), condemnation, fear, forgiveness, hardened, intercession, judgment, justice, justification, kill, law, love, name, sanctuary, sin, smite, wrath/anger. There are many more to come.

New Contributors Profiles

No new additions. People who have made significant contributions to the character of God message will be considered for addition.

Additions to Resources Page

Biblical ForgivenessBooks:

Biblical Forgiveness: Are There Two Types? Revised.  I was able to work with Adrian Ebens and Danny Brown of Maranatha Ministries to revise this booklet bringing it more in line with the true character of God.  It can be downloaded as a PDF file from either (in slightly different formats, same content) https://characterofgod.org/resources/ (my site) or from http://maranathamedia.com/book/view/biblical-forgiveness

Printed copies also available.

I have added some of my other e-books to the Resources page even though not directly related to the character-of-God topic.

People requesting hard copies of books should be aware that the Postal Service to many countries is currently suspended. I will not be shipping to those countries for now. The list of countries may be seen at:

https://www.canadapost.ca/cpc/en/our-company/news-and-media/service-alerts.page Click on “see details” in the International section.

I thank those who have supported the distribution of books. They have gone to many homes in many countries. Heaven and eternity will reveal the results.


Links to 7 more videos in the Agape series by Adrian Ebens bringing the total to 24.

For some time I have thought of interviewing some of the contributors to my website. Marilyn Marshall (author of Light on the Dark Side of God) beat me to it and she proposed to interview me. The 29-min interview is at: https://youtu.be/kUVxnw5OwEc

Website Traffic 

There has been good growth since last December with unique visitors in March up 67% compared to December and the number of visits up 95%.

Previous Newsletter

Recent newsletters can be accessed at: https://characterofgod.org/newsletters/

My Other Newsletter

 For some other good spiritual material, please take a look at my other website https://www.jesus-resurrection.info/ where I especially share information about a different understanding of the timing of Jesus’ resurrection as well as many other items of interest (well over 600 pages) There is also a quarterly newsletter available there highlighting current events that point to a soon Second Coming.


The balance of the Cleansing of the Sanctuary series

More entries in the Character of God and the Gospel Glossary


 Such messages are encouraging – that the message is actually reaching people. All the glory must go to God. He is so good and He loves us so much.

“I look forward to reading the book! I was THRILLED to come across your website while desperately searching Google in an attempt to better understand God’s heart in the story of Korah. What a TREASURE TROVE of great explanations and resources – I look forward to returning to read more again and again. Blessings.” – Anneli

“Thank you for putting up the web site. Character of God. I am 70. Remember praying for Gods help at 3 yrs old. I have spent half my life looking for the magic words to make God love me or listen to me the other half, hoping he never noticed me and I could just be in the crowd filing through the gate of heaven.. I worry I am lost forever in finding (or is it trusting) a god of love or that I can love and love others. So much work in this web site. I am reading and listening and praying. Thank you.” – Darla P.

“Hi Ray! I came to your website through a google search on Exodus 4:11.  I am involved in a bible study where this verse has left some concern as to whether or not God makes people blind, mute etc.  This type of verse can leave a person questioning the goodness of God.  Thankfully, my google search landed me on your site which provided a great explanation.  These niggling seeds of doubt about God’s goodness can take root and possibly become a crisis of belief if not straightened out.  So thank you for making your research available!” -N.C. (Ontario, Canada)


Please get back to me, Ray Foucher, at rayfoucher@gmail.com with any feedback from this newsletter and … Please share this information and website with others.