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About Your Support

There are variety of ways in which you can help to support this website and thereby the proclamation of this message. If you have been blessed, consider one or more of the following ways to help:

  • Comments – your comments on pages help to show its importance to others. You can add comments using the form at the bottom of most pages. If there is no form, you can use the contact button at the top of every page.
  • Donate – help cover costs of spreading this message. Funds are used mainly to help with printing and distributing free literature. (Note: I am in Canada, my name is Ray Foucher). Donations may be made via:
    • e-transfer (from your bank) to rayfoucher@gmail.com
    • check to Ray Foucher, Box 607, Greenwood BC, V0H 1J0 Canada
    • PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/) to rayfoucher@gmail.com
    • Remitly (https://www.remitly.com; a very easy-to-use payment method) to rayfoucher@gmail.com
  • Links – if you have a website (especially if it a spiritual site) and are able to add a link to https://characterofgod.org (or to an individual page on this site if appropriate) that really does help. Please let me know if you do add a link.
  • Prayer – ask God to confirm this message in your own mind and to give yourself and us the wisdom and more opportunities to spread this information to many who may even be afraid of God.
  • Share – tell others the good news about an ever-merciful, non-violent God of total love. You can share via FaceBook or other social media platforms.
  • Subscribe to our newsletters (near top of right column on every page) There are only a few a year along with notices of new pages loaded. Also, our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@characterofGodvideos.
  • Translate – If you are able to do this and want to see this message in another language, I can work with you to get this done. My two booklets Biblical Forgiveness and The Lake of Fire and the Second Death are now available in a total of 14 languages. We have had booklets and tracts translated and printed in other countries which greatly reduces the cost of getting them there and, of course, makes them available to more people.

Thank you for your support and may God richly bless you as you seek to know Him better and share His love with others.