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Light on the Dark Side of God

Book cover of Light on the Dark Side of GodDownload your own free copy of Light on the Dark Side of God by Marilyn Campbell.

There are two PDF versions available here:

2003 edition (97 pages, 588 kb)

2018 edition (condensed, 115 pages, 789 kb)

Note that the 2018 version above is condensed from the full revised edition (available from the author, Marilyn Campbell)

Here is the description from the back cover of the book Light on the Dark Side of God

  • Why would a loving God burn humans eternally for the sins of one short lifetime?
  • How did the gentle Jesus perfectly reflect the “fire-breathing” Old Testament God who, according to Scripture, He came to reveal?
  • How can a “killing” God tell humans “Thou shalt not kill” and yet to pattern their character after His own?
  • Why didn’t God destroy human rebellion early-on, before it became full blown?
  • Do humans really have free will, with God planning to execute those whose choices He does not like?
  • How does “the wrath of God” apply to our generation?

Follow the trail of Biblical clues in Light on the Dark Side of God to an amazing and wonderful new picture of God.

Especially if the topic of the character of God is new to you, this book will be of great value in beginning to see God in a new light. It presents a good summary of the major issues. You will see that God does not have a dark side as many imagine.

“… God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:5)