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Resources Including Ellen White Material

This page lists resources that include EGW material related to the topic of the character of God.

Power-Point Presentations

Jean Sheldon Discipline in the Old Testament Is God a Killer? Some good thoughts on this important question.

Tri-fold Tracts

Kevin Straub provided this series, here in PDF format. They can be easily printed, folded and shared.

1. Do As I Say, Not As I Do – Is God Above the Law?

In order to justify God as perpetrator of genocide and torture we have to say that He can personally step outside of His own law. We better think long and hard about this.

2. The Wrath of God – Is God Violent?

God’s wrath is one of the very first things we need to talk about when introducing the subject of the “advancing light” on God’s Character. The vast majority of Christians and Christian churches teach that God’s wrath functions quite similar to human wrath. But the Bible does not teach this.

3. How to Read the Bible and Not Become An Atheist

If we read the bible as verbally inspired we will have some horrible contradictions that make the Bible seem to be a crazy collection of fables and Christians to be goofy for believing in them. What is the key to making sense of the Bible?

4. Israel and the Sword – Was That God’s Idea?

If God’s way is not the way of the sword, then what is going on when we see God giving instructions in the use of the sword both in military conquests and in the bloody laws of the civil code? If we say that there is no violence in God, yet we see Him ordering it done by proxy, we have a problem. Is this something that we can unravel in a pamphlet? We can at least take a step in the right direction.

5. Do Angels of God Kill and Destroy?

The power of God is always exercised for benevolent purposes, to create, sustain, and protect. Satan works power only to ruin and destroy. God is consistent. He does not send evil or holy angels to destroy. But the Bible language can appear to indicate that He does BOTH!

6. A Portrait of God – He Looks Just Like Jesus

Was the mission of Christ “only” to die for sinners? Or was it bigger than that? The stated purpose for Jesus to assume humanity and go to the cross was to give a true picture of God to both fallen man and the unfallen universe. Explore the non-violence of God in the light of the testimony of Jesus!

7. The Fourth Angel Reveals the Glory of God

God’s glory is revealed to us in Christ. It is not about physical brightness, it is about who He is. It is in the face of challenges and opposition that character is revealed. How God deals with the challenge of rebellion to His government and Person tells us whether He is like man or whether He is something altogether different. It gives us a real choice of what character we hope to possess in ourselves. At this time there is a message to be proclaimed that is to lighten the whole earth with His glory. It is the 4th Angel come down, having great power.

NOTE: These are available also as normal Word documents – ask Kevin. More tracts are in preparation and tracts in a larger format with graphics are also coming.