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Troy Edwards

Troy Edwardstroy edwardsTroy Edwards is the founder of Vindicating God Ministries. He is also the senior pastor of Christ’s Victory Bible Teaching Center in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Pastor Troy is passionate about restoring the Biblical truth of God’s loving reputation to a lost and dying world.

Troy wrote the article God Destroys Those Who Destroy His Temple (a good explanation of idioms) on this site.

Troy Edwards may be contacted through his website www.vindicatinggod.org. Here is information from his page:

Without the RIGHT information about God people will believe the WRONG thing about Him. Since the beginning Satan has been lying to humanity about God (Gen. 3:1-7). Satan has blinded the minds of men and have prevented them from seeing that God is really a good, kind, loving, and generous God. Much of the theology we have today makes God the source of all types of evil. He is lifted up as mysterious, incomprehensible, and unapproachable. Yet God wants man to both understand and know Him (Jer. 9:24). Here at Vindicating God Ministries it is our God-given vision and goal to destroy the lies of Satan in the minds of men and present the truth about a loving, kind, and caring Father-God who is seen in all His loving glory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I just finished reading the book below (as shown on Troy’s website) and would very highly recommend it. It provides tremendous insights into how God conducts Himself in regard to His people.

he only permits

He Only Permits can be downloaded here.  (1.1 mb pdf)

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