Tony Milekic lives in the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia. He is the son of Yugoslavian immigrants to Australia. The death of his best friend and his own serious accidents caused him to reflect on the emptiness and lack of direction in his life, leading to conviction and conversion and walking the narrow way.
His investigation into truth was challenged when his communist and atheist father dropped a cynical and provocative line: “I believe in God’s ‘eye for an eye;’ you believe in Jesus’ ‘turn the other cheek.'” The apparent contradiction lead him on a search to harmonize the character of God which he has been teaching on since the late 1990s.
He has done many presentations despite opposition to the message. His presentation several years ago on the Wrath of God was very well-received. Here is a link to a recent video presentation on The History of the Character of God. He mentions a number of people currently involved in promoting the character of God, several of whom are also contributors to this site.
Tony is now an administrator for the Facebook Group Does God Kill?
Tony Milekic has written a testimonial of his story which can be read at:
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