The Principles and Language of Heaven

(Series Introduction)

Say you are a refugee (there are millions in the world today) and ended up moving to a new country with a very different culture and an unknown language. For you to begin to function efficiently in that new setting you would, of course, have to learn the language. But it is not just that simple. The culture is different the money is different; people greet each other differently and interact differently. What was the right thing to say or do where you came from may not now be appropriate. You have to learn the language but you also have to learn certain principles and customs behind the new culture.

In heaven’s system, there are principles as well. The greatest of these, it seems from what scripture says, is the principle of love as that is God’s very nature. God’s word would naturally be consistent with heavenly principles. The “language” in any system would necessarily reflect the principles of that system. While the Bible does not identify anything saying “this is a principle of heaven” and we are not given a list, we can surmise by taking a broad view of scripture what some of those principles are. Perhaps, as we go through the pearly gates, we will be given a schedule for some orientation meetings and HSL (heaven-speak as a second language) classes.

Let’s consider what some principles of heaven might be and how those principles would be reflected in the wording of the Bible. We could surely understand God’s ways better by knowing and appreciating the principles and language of heaven. Following is a list and discussion of actions, all based on love, that could be seen as possible principles of heaven.

Here are of the principles (see separate discussions of each in future posts):

  1. Love cannot be forced. God, Being a Gentleman, Does Not Impose Himself on Others. This is perhaps the greatest principle of heaven because love must be given freely, without coercion, or it is not love.
  1. Love takes responsibility. God Often Takes the Blame, Saying He Did What He Didn’t Prevent. In love, God created the whole universe. Ultimately, He is responsible for everything that exists.
  1. Love wants to share. God Often Gives People What They Want Even If Less Than Ideal. True agape love always seeks the good of others; it is other-centered rather than self-centered.
  1. Love allows for growth. God Takes Each Person’s Situation and Experience into Account. Just as we do with children, God takes into account our state of knowledge and development.
  1. Love respects others. God Respects Even the Different Wishes and Opinions of Others. Even though He is the Sovereign of the universe, God is willing to share in the decision making.Love keeps no record of wrongs
  1. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not remember a wrong done to it with the intent to punish or get even; it holds no grudges; it does not allow the wrong to diminish love for the offender.
  1. Love seeks to be understood. God Often Used Metaphors When Communicating Truth -TO BE ADDED
  1. Love minimizes wrongs. God (in Jesus) Often Used Parables When Speaking in Public – TO BE ADDED

Principles 3, 4 and 5 are closely related to each other and overlap somewhat. While they are discussed on separate pages, the Biblical examples will be combined because they often illustrate 2 or all 3 of these principles at once.

Pages on principles 7 and 8 will be added in the future.

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