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News and Information from
April 1, 2022

This newsletter reports news from and additions to www.characterofgod.org since the last newsletter  (January 2022). Aside from additions listed herein, I am always making improvements to pages to make this website a valuable resource and hub of information about the character of God, the people who are foremost in promoting it and more.

Newest E-book:
Daniel 8:14 and the Three-stage Vindication of God

This is the latest e-book from characterofGod.org. It is a totally different way of looking at the cleansing of the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 based on how the Bible itself uses the Hebrew words behind this verse. “Cleansed” (Hebrew “tsadaq”), in context, always refers to someone being vindicated of charges against them. “Sanctuary” (Hebrew “qodesh”) can refer to a person. Thus: “… then shall God be vindicated.”
E-book (816 kb pdf; 46 p)

This e-book on an important verse is very significant in terms of the character of God. No doubt there will be developments in understanding this topic. I welcome any feedback.

Seventh-day Adventists who believe in the true character of God will find this study of great interest. I have added here a number of quotes by EGW and others from the Bible Commentary that seem to relate:

“Christ is victor, and the character of God is vindicated before the whole universe.” (SDA BC vol 7, p773)

“At the beginning of the great controversy, the angels did not understand this. Had Satan and his host then been left to reap the full result of their sin, they would have perished; but it would not have been apparent to heavenly beings that this was the inevitable result of sin. A doubt of God’s goodness would have remained in their minds as evil seed, to produce its deadly fruit of sin and woe.

But not so when the great controversy shall be ended. Then, the plan of redemption having been completed, the character of God is revealed to all created intelligences. The precepts of His law are seen to be perfect and immutable. Then sin has made manifest its nature, Satan his character. Then the extermination of sin will vindicate God’s love and establish His honor before a universe of beings who delight to do His will, and in whose heart is His law.” (DA 764)

“God stands at the center of the book, [of Job] sometimes hidden by clouds of misunderstanding, but finally vindicated as a just and loving Creator.” SDA BC vol. 4, p494)

“So again, in the destruction of Satan and of the vast multitude of the wicked at the end of the millennium, God’s wisdom, justice, and goodness will stand fully vindicated. From the lips of all creatures, both loyal and rebellious, will be heard these words, ‘Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.’ (SDA BC Vol. 4 p708)
(Rev. 15:3; cf. GC 668–671).

“16. Exalted in judgment. That is, honored and vindicated in His acts of justice. Sin ultimately results in humiliation, but in the end, righteousness and justice bring honor and glory. The acts of the Lord are such as to bring Him honor and glory before all the universe.” (SDA BC vol. 4, p24)

“All of this was anticipated by type, symbol, and prophecy throughout the OT. The supreme demonstration was made by the incarnation, life, suffering, and death of God’s own Son. God now stood wholly vindicated before the universe for His apparent overlooking of men’s former sins and for His justifying of those who had faith. The life and death of Jesus proved forever how God regarded sin (2 Cor. 5:19; cf. DA 762). It proved forever God’s unbounded love for all His creatures, a love that could not only forgive, but could also win fallen sinners to surrender, faith, and perfect obedience. Thus the charges of Satan were refuted and the peace of the universe was made eternally sure. God’s character had been vindicated before the universe (see PP 68, 69). (SDA BC vol. 6 p508)

Pages added since January:
Here are the new pages added to the glossary:


Also, a couple of supporting pages for definition pages were added:


The Character of God and the Gospel Glossary

The glossary continues to grow. Below is the list of terms included (showing as links) and yet to be added (plain text):

accuser, advocate*, anger*, appease, arrows, atonement, awe*, believe/faith, blood, blot, books/records, breach, chasten, command, condemnation, conscience, consumed, covenants, curse, destroy/destruction, destroyer, discomfited, dominion, fear, fire, forgiveness, forsake, glory, gospel, guilt, hardened, hiding the face, hornets, imputed, intercession, intercessor, jealous, judgment, just (a just man), just (God is just),  justice, justification, justified*, kill,  kingdom of God, law, lightning*, longsuffering, love, mark, mediator*, mercy, murder*, name, omniscience, overthrow, perfection, price*, pricks*, probation, propitiation, punishment, ransom, recompense, reconciliation, redeemed*, remission, repentance, righteousness, sacrifice, salvation, sanctification, sanctuary, second death, sent, shame, sin, sin (made to be), sinful flesh*, sinner, smote, strange act, sword, torment, vengeance, visit, worship, wrath/anger
*Links to another term where definition/discussion is included

There are still almost 20 words/terms to be added. Studies have been done for many of them but are not yet edited.

Also, there are supplementary terms (do not appear in the Bible):

arbitrary, Biblical Healing Model, consequence-natural, law-design, law-imposed, legalism, penal substitution, Traditional Legal Model.

Remember, the glossary is available as a single PDF file which can be downloaded from the Resources page https://characterofgod.org/resources#glossary

There are a number of books offered free of charge (even postage is paid) at the resources page. Thank you to those who have generously donated to help others receive books. Please don’t feel you need to donate in order to request a book -the truth of God’s character needs to go out.

Final MessageThe Final Message of Mercy to the World

This nicely-Illustrated free booklet by Dr. Tim Jennings relates the message of the three angels of Revelation chapter 14 to the end of the world.  It has been added to the resources page.

My revised booklet The Lake of Fire and the Second Death is now  available in hardcopy. It is only 44 pages and an easy and interesting read.  I mail copies on request. It can also be downloaded instantly at: https://characterofgod.org/resources#lake-of-fire
Also, now available in a Spanish edition.

The Lake of Fire and the Second Death
From the Back Cover:

To Bible readers concerned about Revelation’s Lake of Fire, this study will come as a relief. Why? Because, contrary to popular belief, that final judgment scene is not about a physical fire burning forever.

However, it will be a painful experience – mentally and emotionally. Billions of people will face their own wrong choices and the ultimate choice to not trust in God. With the realization of eternity lost, the degree of regret will be beyond measure. Along with guilt and shame as figurative coals of fire on their heads coming from within themselves, it will literally be enough to crush out their lives in the Second Death.

Here is something interesting from the book that relates to how the lost will finally perish in the Second Death. The letters “yod” and “hey” removed from the Hebrew words for “man” and “woman” respectively, when combined as yod-hey, make the word “Yah,” the poetic form of God’s name.

This book is not so much about the character of God but it is very important considering the time and circumstances we find ourselves in. It gives the historical background that helps to make sense of events in the world and especially in the United States at present.

Identity WarsIdentity Wars
I am providing a link (below) to request the book Identity Wars by Adrian Ebens. This is a very good book showing that our value comes not from our performance but from our identity as sons and daughters of God.

Our lives are bombarded with a constant drone of messages telling us that success only comes from proving that we have what it takes, that we are only valuable when we achieve and perform. Discover true freedom, true value and worth. It will change your life. Available as an audio book and in 24 languages, 110 pages Download here.

Previous Newsletters
Recent newsletters can be accessed at: https://characterofgod.org/newsletters/

My Other Website/Newsletter
For some other good spiritual material, please take a look at my other website https://www.jesus-resurrection.info/ where I especially share information about a different understanding of the timing of Jesus’ resurrection as well as many other items of interest (well over 600 pages) There is also a quarterly newsletter available there highlighting current events that point to a soon Second Coming.

Please get back to me, Ray Foucher, at rayfoucher@gmail.com with any feedback from this newsletter and …

Please share this information and website with others.