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Jeremy Myers on the Character of God
Jeremy Myers

Jeremy Myers is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary. He has a website www.RedeemingGod.com and writes books, blog posts and leads an on-line discipleship group. Jeremy says of his work: “I want to help liberate you from bad ideas about God … I seek to redeem your picture and understanding of God.”

Part of the description of his website:

“… we have been slow to learn what Jesus revealed. The vast majority of humanity, including the vast majority of Christianity, still believes a whole host of things about God that are the exact opposite of the things that Jesus revealed to us about God. So God needs to be redeemed. We need to come to see God for who He really is. We need to see that God is who Jesus revealed Him to be. When we see that God is like Jesus, God will be redeemed.

So on RedeemingGod.com, two of the things I write about are about how God redeems us (and everything else) and how Jesus redeems God for us.”

Jeremy Myers and the One-verse Podcast

In his attempt to redeem our understanding of what God is really like, Jeremy has many teachings consistent with the message of the true character of God. The goal of his popular One Verse Podcast is to “Liberate scripture from religion one verse at a time.”

One verse he has helped to liberate from religious misconceptions is:

“And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” (Heb 9:22)

Jeremy asks the very -pertinent question “Does God really need blood to forgive sins?” He answers “no” and I agree with him. See his video on this verse below (49 min):

You can connect with Jeremy or his podcasts through his website.

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