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Kevin Straub

Contributors disclaimerKevin StraubKevin and Nicola Straub are “4th Angel Publications” a home-based church and ministry, in association with “United Brethren in Christ” (UBC), a network of independent ministries in the advancing light of the Fourth Angel (Rev. 18:1-3). Their ministry demonstrates consistent theological ties to “Truth for the Final Generation” (Dr. Elliot O. Douglin). 4th Angel Publications has released a book, compiled by Kevin Straub, published by TEACH Services, Inc., “As He Is: Issues in the ‘Character of God’ Controversy” which represents the work of three authors. (see http://www.teachservices.com/as-he-is-4th-angel-publications-paperback-lsi/). Living in the eastern hills of Saskatchewan border country, in Central Canada, Kevin and his family tend to summertime gardens, fall fire-wood harvesting, and year-round care of horses. Kevin works in his office writing during the winter and both of the Straubs go on occasional international teaching tours.

Kevin’s character-of-God-related FaceBook page is www.facebook.com/groups/DiscoveringTruthAboutGod

Kevin wrote the article Divine Recession – God’s Response in Respect of Our Free Will  about God withdrawing His presence. It is posted here.